
Apple Cider Vinegar – Wonder Drug!

Oh, I could talk for hours about apple cider vinegar. One of those miracle drugs if you ask me. Good for practically anything, and saved my life a few years ago when I finally found out about it. I used to have chronic sinus infections. We’re talking once a month for at least 1-2 weeks of insane headache, dizziness and my front teeth felt like they were gonna fall off! And, once a month, like a good girl, I’d go to my doctor, who would have me X-ray my face (yes, you heard me right), and take blood samples, just to say “yes Mrs. Hoffmann, you’re right, you have a sinus infection again” no sh*t Sherlock! So, again, I would get nasal spray, and painkillers, and sometimes antibiotics…

And, once a month, like a good girl, I’d go to my doctor, who would have me X-ray my face (yes, you heard me right), and take blood samples, just to say “yes Mrs. Hoffmann, you’re right, you have a sinus infection again”

Then I found out about apple cider vinegar (cue in angels singing). I was a new person. No joke. I started taking ACV every morning first thing in the morning, and my sinus infections simply disappeared! After about six months, I went down to a couple times a week, and six months after that could allow myself to only start taking it if and when I started feeling stuffed or an infection coming up.

But this is the best part of the whole story now… AVC has sooooo many other health benefits, it’s incredible. We use it against reflux and heartburns every time, or any type of indigestion, for energy kick and general better energy when taken regularly, for constipation, and it also helps a lot when you’re feeling bloated after a certain aunt comes to town (ladies, you know what I’m talking about (and I’d like to assume you guys do too…))


The benefits of apple cider vinegar come from it’s healing compounds which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes. Science has verified this through empirical evidence observed through the ages. Apple cider vinegar can kill head lice, ease digestion, prevent flu, prevent acne, reduce inflammation, kill fungus, regulate pH balance, dissolve kidney stones and helps relieve allergies, migraines, asthma, nausea, heart burn and wash toxins from the body. And the list goes on.

So next time you’re feeling a bit on the low side, I highly recommend giving ACV a try! This is my favorite brand, which you can order online, and get a special 20.- CHF discount on your first Farmy order. Just plug in my code MISO101 and enjoy the best produce Switzerland has to offer!

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