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Life's unpredictability can sometimes hit harder than we expect. Join me as I delve into a personal journey of navigating my family's health challenges, the impacts on my own life, and finding light even in the darkest of times....

Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic illness, rather than just treating symptoms....

I get asked this question a lot. What IS a health coach? Are they the same as nutritionists? Why does one need to work with a health coach? And what is it that health coaches do with their clients? Let me break it all down...

People are always wondering how we can enjoy our meals while eating healthy. I can’t blame them. We all grew up to think that healthy means boring, green and not so delicious. But I’m here to break that myth! Here’s an example of one of...

Making bone broth from scratch, roasting the spices, charing the onion and ginger, and cooking everything for hours makes a dish even more incredible to say the least! But not all of us have that time to spare. That doesn’t mean you can’t have homemade...

This is one of the most common questions I get, probably on a daily basis. Every mother out there is concerned about giving her family healthier food, and to enjoy seeing everyone eat the same one meal she just laboured over....

This is one of the most common questions I get, probably on a daily basis. Every mother out there is concerned about giving her family healthier food, and to enjoy seeing everyone eat the same one meal she just laboured over....

While what teens should be eating isn't far from what an adult needs, it's important to keep in mind that they process food a lot faster and more efficiently than adults.   Foods we need to focus on for our teens is nutrient dense.   These will help build...

Looking for healthy snack ideas? The number one question I get is for truly healthy snack ideas, especially for busy parents. Watch the video to get a list of snack ideas that are Danna-a-pproved, perfect for kids and balanced. We also cover tips for choosing healthy food and...

This is one of the most common questions I get, probably on a daily basis. Every mother out there is concerned about giving her family healthier food, and to enjoy seeing everyone eat the same one meal she just laboured over....

I’ve lately been asked by Beehive Magazin to contribute to their monthly topic of self care by answering a few questions. Since the original article is in German, I wanted to give those who don’t read it a chance to enjoy what I wrote. The...